P4C Healthcare

Dementia Care Services

Dementia & Alzheimer’s Home Care Services

Living with dementia can be a bewildering experience, requiring significant lifestyle changes for the whole family. At P4C Healthcare our specialist dementia care services can provide the essential support you need during this time. We offer dementia care you can rely upon and trust. Dementia care you can rely upon. Dementia care you can trust. Our dementia home care service in Edinburgh and West Lothian helps individuals with early-stage, mid-stage or late-stage dementia. P4C Healthcare is a dementia care specialists facility that sensitively respond to the individual needs of you and your family. Our flexible dementia and alzheimer’s care services are tailored to fit with your chosen lifestyle so you continue to enjoy the important things in your life. 


Dementia is experienced in different ways but the most common symptoms for example are:

Memory problems – dementia affects the short-term memory and people living with dementia may have problems retaining new information.  You may notice that you or your loved one is increasingly forgetful, which progressively worsens over time.

Communication problems – You or your loved one with dementia may repeat yourself or themselves frequently or struggle to find the right words.  Writing and reading can become challenging.

Cognitive function  Decline– dementia may  affect you or your loved one ability to process information and people living with dementia may have problems with time and place.  Concentration can also be impacted and you or your loved one’s ability to make decisions can be affected.  This impact on cognitive function can make you or your loved one restless whilst others are reluctant to take part in things they used to.


  • To maintain a good level of independence at home.
  • Receiving unobtrusive care and support on your terms.
  • Flexibility to get just the right amount of the needed support.
  • A gained sense of freedom to continue to live life to the full.
  • Enjoy the benefits of a meaningful, long-term relationship with the carer.

Why Dementia Care At Home Than Residential Care Home.

There are many life-enriching benefits to receiving dementia home care services as opposed to moving into a care home, for example:

You or your loved one will receive one-to-one home care and support around the clock – one-to-one care simply cannot be achieved in any care home therefore our trained carers will be with you around the clock caring for you in your home.

Our Dementia Care team uniquely develop, a highly personalised support plan of care designed to meet your care needs to help you stay independent at home whilst addressing how you wish to live your life – none of the rigid timetables or set routines experienced in a care home.

Our Home Care services are tailored to help you stay at home meaning you can keep control of your life with all your treasured memories and possessions around you therefore you will not need to move out of your loved home as it is with a care home where you will sell your house to fund care home fees.

Our team of Dementia care specialists are trained to provide you with high quality home care, specialist and complex care in the comfort of your own home. Familiar surroundings and routines are paramount in helping those living with specialist conditions, like dementia. 

With our Dementia care services, you will be able to continue to live with your adorable pet; you will not be able to take this into a care home. Our home care assistants will help you look after it for you and enable your pet to continue living its normal routines for example taking a dog for a walk.

Our Dementia care costs are not comparable to that of a care home and considerably low and cheaper for couples, who would be charged double for two rooms in a care home whereas with our Home Care services, you will continue to live with your partner at home receiving high quality care with dignity at home.

Our Dementia care services will help you to continue to be part of your local community you have loved, for what might have been many years. We support you to continue participate and get involved in community activities you love to do and those of your choice.

Loneliness in care homes, particularly throughout the Coronavirus pandemic is high than at you home where our trained home carer is there as your constant companion and will facilitate you to keep in contact with the people who are important to you

Finding Dementia Care and Local Services

At P4C Healthcare, we know families affected by dementia may face specific challenges while looking for dementia care in local areas for yourself or loved one, our professional team are available to offer advice and information to people living with dementia, their families and friends. We provide a care and support package that will enable you to live a happy life with dignity in the comfort of your own home. The dementia care and support we provide will be tailored to your needs, giving you your choice on how you live your life and the support you want.

We are aware that it can take significant effort and stress in looking for dementia care for your loved one and a family member, therefore we provide the support you need from organising the care you need and also guide you with support for funding the dementia care package for your loved one giving you a peace of mind. Contact us today and we are happy to help you get the best dementia care package you need.

If you or your loved one need dementia and alzheimer’s care services contact the team of P4C Healthcare at 01312352591.

What's Next

Get in touch with us

You can call us on 01312352591 to find out more and discuss our support options, or just for an informal talk.

Free Assessment

Once you have contacted P4C Healthcare, we’ll organise a free care assessment. We will talk openly about your immediate needs, as well as any thoughts or visions you have for your care.

Care Plan Created and starts

According to your preferences and situation, we will match and introduce you to a team of carers who will best fit your lifestyle and care needs. Together, we will build a care plan that incorporates activities and services that work for you.

Start Your Journey With P4C

Call us on 01312352591,
or get in touch by filling out the form below: