P4C Healthcare

Live-In Care Support In Livingston, Edinburgh and Scotland

Our Live-In Home Care

24-Hour Live-In Home Care Services and Support in Livingston, Edinburgh and Scotland

What Is Live-In Care?

Live-in care is the complete and holistic alternative to residential care. When the care and support needs exceed around 6-8 hours a day, it may become necessary to have live-in carer present in the house throughout the day and night to provide that reassurance and a helpful presence. Often this can prove a very cost-effective way to be supported by comparison to hourly care. 24-hour live-in care service is provided for individuals who need help throughout the day and sometimes at night. Live-in carers will live their lives alongside their clients in their homes and will be on hand to assist with every area of everyday life. Our live in care in Livingston, Edinburgh, West Lothian and surrounding areas is specialized to offer safety and personal care needs. Our live-in home care services extend across Scotland and help you stay at home independently. All support plans are custom-made and tailored to provide private home care by professional live-in carers. These services are on a continual 24-hour basis if strict monitoring is required or preferred. If you’d rather have standby hours after your standard daytime hours, we have custom plans that will fit your needs. 

At P4C Healthcare, we offer ongoing or short-term live-in care services daily home care and support service to ensure care needs are met 24 hours a day. We pride ourselves on offering our live-in care services across Livingston, Edinburgh, and Scotland. P4C’s caring, home care assistants are always ready to assist you or your family with a custom plan to suit your unique needs. P4C Healthcare in Edinburgh home care services can assist in different situations. These situations span from intermittent respite care for several hours to live-in care if needed.

Giving your loved one the freedom to age at home is a wonderful gift. It’s also a decision that most likely comes with new responsibilities for the family. At P4C Healthcare, our domiciliary care services will keep your loved one’s dignity and quality of life as high priority so that they can live the best independent life at home. We work closely with family members and clients to determine the care needs. We also determine the ideal schedule for you and our home care assistants to ensure your needs will be met as always. 

Live in Care for the Elderly

Here at P4C, we understand that every person has specific needs. Because of this, our home care services are designed to be flexible, so you can receive just the right care to meet your needs. Whether you need assistance once a week or on a daily basis, you can count on us. We work with clients across Scotland and offer professional live-in care services on bespoke care plans. Our care services company offers personalized care plans that are tailored to you and your loved one’s needs. 

 Please don’t hesitate to contact us, schedule a free consultation, and let us know how we can help

With Live-in Care, we support you with:

  • All-round friendly companionship (reading the newspaper, playing games)
  • Support with outings (grocery shopping, hospital appointments, walks)
  • Help around the house (laundry, vacuuming, dusting)
  • Home-based activities (cooking and baking, gardening)
  • Support at social events (clubs or church services)
  • Personal hygiene (assistance with getting washed and dressed)
  • Health (support with medications)
  • Personal administration (help with forms, letters and paying bills)

Why Choose Live-in Care Over Residential Care Home?

You or your loved one will receive one-to-one care and support around the clock – one-to-one care simply cannot be achieved in any care home therefore our trained carers will be with you 24/7 caring for you in your home. 

Our Live-in care team  uniquely develop, a highly personalised support plan of care designed to meet your care needs to help you stay independent at home whilst addressing how you wish to live your life – none of the rigid timetables or set routines experienced in a care home.

Our Live-in care services help you stay at home meaning you can keep control of your life with all your treasured memories and possessions around you therefore you will not need to move out of your loved home as it is with a care home where you will sell your house to fund care home fees.

Our team of live-in care specialists are trained to provide you with high quality home care, specialist and complex care in the comfort of your own home. Familiar surroundings and routines are paramount in helping those living with specialist conditions, like dementia.

With our Live-in care services, you will be able to continue to live with your adorable pet; you will not be able to take this into a care home. Our home care assistants will help you look after it for you and enable your pet to continue living its normal routines for example taking a dog for a walk.

Our Live-in Care costs are comparable to that of a care home and considerably cheaper for couples, who would be charged double for two rooms in a care home whereas with our live-in care package, you will continue to live with your partner at home receiving high quality care with dignity at home.

Our live-in care services will help you to continue to be part of your local community you have loved, for what might have been many years. We support you to continue participate and get involved in community activities you love to do and those of your choice.

What's The Benefit Of Live-in Care?

We have several different situations when live-in home care services can be used to support your care and support needs, for example;

With our Live-in Care services, you will benefit from a 24-hour live-in care service for when round the clock care is needed day and night to ensure you continue to live well in their own home to make sure you stay independent at home.

If you care for a love one or look after a family member, our Respite Care can provide a you with a much-needed break from caring for a loved one, or can be used as an opportunity to see how live-in care works and whether it is right for you and your family.

Complex care of medical and specialist conditions like dementia, or Multiple Sclerosis can be supported with P4C’s 24-hour home care – there is no need to go into a care home to receive this level of care when you can receive it at the comfort of your home.

If you are looking for an Emergency care at home for those who need an urgent live-in care arrangement put in place following unexpected surgery an accident or sudden illness, we are here to help you recover as you plan for the right home care service for your loved one.

How to get started

Get in touch with us

You can call us on 01312352591 to find out more and discuss our support options, or just for an informal talk.

Free Assessment

Once you have contacted P4C Healthcare, we’ll organise a free care assessment. We will talk openly about your immediate needs, as well as any thoughts or visions you have for your care.

Care Plan Created and starts

According to your preferences and situation, we will match and introduce you to a team of carers who will best fit your lifestyle and care needs. Together, we will build a care plan that incorporates activities and services that work for you.

Start Your Journey With P4C

Call us on 01312352591,
or get in touch by filling out the form below: